Instagram: Makeamark_artroom

Saturday, September 24, 2016

School wide Self Portraits

During our first staff in-service day back in August, our entire staff wrote on a large poster what they hoped for the North Star students. This poster is hung just outside the library which is central in our school. One of our 3rd grade teachers, who is pursuing her principal credential, guided the staff through this process and asked each teacher to have their students answer the same questions for themselves.

I decided to build off of this idea and have each student create a self portrait in a monochromatic color to go along with the staff/student posters. Next week, all the portraits will be finished and me and a team of parent volunteers will assemble and display them. I'll be sure to share photos once it is up.

Here are the flipped lessons I shared with my students to teach them about portraiture and monochromatic color.

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