Instagram: Makeamark_artroom

Friday, February 8, 2019

Back, Back, Back Again!

Hello everyone!

I'm officially back in blogging mode. Here are some major updates.

1.) I am now a National Board Certified Teacher! I passed! It took me 2 years of really hard work, but I did it. Now to consistently perform at the distinguished level every day...that is the challenge.

2.) I've transformed my program from a DBAE (Discipline Based Art Education - basically teaching the elements and principles of design with step by step teacher led projects) to TAB (Teaching for Artistic Behaviors - the child is the artist)
Check out the TAB website for all the details.

I spent the Summer reflecting on my program and the new state standards. I determined that I needed to change. My program needed to change if I were to truly teach these new standards.

I came into my building in August and designed my art room to be house studio centers where my students could go and explore. Everything changed. No more assigned tables, no more cookie cutter projects that only some kids appreciated.  This year, my kids were going to behave like artists.

They will:
Understand Art Worlds
Engage and Persist
Stretch and Explore
Develop Craft

They will learn to apply the 8 Studio Habits of Mind. (D. Janquith) STUDIO THINKING

I wanted to share the wonderful things my art students are creating in class, so stay tuned!

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